24hr initial entry form now live, deposit payment deadline approaching – enter now!

The initial entry form for all classes eligible for the 2CV 24hr race is now live and available to complete at https://2cvracing.org.uk/joinus

Please submit the form as soon as possible (you only need to give basic details at this stage, a more detailed form will be available nearer to the race). A reminder also that the deposit payment of £2000 towards the entry fee is due no later than Monday 1st April.

We appreciate this is very soon after the sprint season entry, however we are required to make these payments for the race by the organising body, and we will be unable to unless we receive your payments on time, so please do try and pay before the above date.

  • £2000 first installment received by 1st of April
  • £1500 final installment received by 1st of August

If either of the payments above are not received by the dates shown, an extra £350 will apply for late entries.

All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. Cheques are not accepted.

Sort code: 23-05-80
Account number: 22263174.
IBAN: GB92 MYMB 2305 8022 2631 74

All drivers must have either ‘racing’ or ‘event’ membership of the club. Join at https://2cvracing.org.uk/joinus – but only one person in each team need be a member of BARC.

Thank you for your understanding and we hope to see you on track soon! Any queries about the 24hr entry should be sent to [email protected]